when I got stuff in the mail

WOW! So much fun stuff in the mail today!

First off, I got the Sailor Moon wig. Ok, so this didn’t come in the mail, I went and picked it up from my aunt’s office. But it’s lovely. Such a pretty shade of blonde. It’ll work well for both my Halloween costume and Cath’s Sailor Moon costume from this yeah (which she plans on wearing again to a con in March w/me as Jupiter)

Now the stuff I actually DID get in the mail… my new Utena wig, which is replacing the one I’m selling. It’s longer than the first, and a prettier shade of pink, IMO.

Got the fantastico Piper wig. At first I was freaking out because the top of it didn’t look very good. Too much hair on the top. All I could think about was that it looked HORRIBLE! o_o Then I realised that’s actually a good thing, all that extra hair on the top, it’ll give me something to work with when I put the buns in! So it’s all good.

I also got the gloves I bought to replace the crappy Beatrix ones I made. They’re a brighter blue than I would’ve liked, but I knew that when I bought them. They’re so nice, I hate to have to cut them up, LOL XD

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd best of all, a Beatles postcard from Ellie! Hehehe!!

Yes, it is a good day!